What do you feel nostalgic for?

I could talk forever about strange and random things from my childhood that I miss whether we are talking about the types of clothes we wore and the music we listened to or the toys we were playing with and the shows we watched on cable tv. Often times I have to tamp it down because my audience has a very limited interest in this topic but for me it is a special interest.

I enjoy looking through pictures online and the era of instagram makes it perfect to re-visit my childhood nostalgia without having to figure out where to keep an entire or multiple collections. I get the same satisfaction living vicariously through other collectors photographs.

What are some of my favorite nostalgic things? When we get into toys the top favorite has to be My Little Pony which I’ve loved since childhood and still love deeply but when we get into more obscure stuff that I love we have things like Moon Dreamers, Jem and the Holograms, Krystal Princess, Lady Lovely Locks, Cherry Merry Muffin (I would love to smell that toy again!)

I also love talking about old shows mostly from Nickelodeon that I grew up watching and I feel like nobody remembers. Some of my favorites are Salute Your Shorts, Pete and Pete, Are you afraid of the Dark, Aah! Real Monsters!, Rocko’s Modern Life, Clarissa and then even before that Maya the Bee, The Noozles, The Little Bits, David the Gnome…I feel like remembering these things takes me through time to my childhood when my life was simpler and more carefree and I miss it so much I ache for it though I wouldn’t go back because I love my life now also.

Remembering certain foods also triggers that nostalgia like Clearly Canadian, Fruitopia, Kudos, Crispy Critters, Push Pops, and so many more I can’t even think of them right now….I will have to keep adding to this post over time or making more of them.

I remember feeling like I had problems or my life was so awful as a teen and as a child but there is also this kind of retrospective carefree quality to it looking back that was so precious and I didn’t even realize it at the time I was living those parts of my life and now that I realize it those times are long gone and in the past.

The wheel keeps on turning.

I am grateful for it all.

What do you feel nostalgic for?

Images found on Google search and are not mine.

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